
Church registration form template

The church registration form template collects personal details, religious background, and membership information to gauge interest in church membership.

The form also solicits volunteering information to facilitate the placement of volunteers in areas matching their interests or skills.

Church registration form survey

Example questions

Personal Information

Religious Background

1. Denomination
2. How long have you been a member of this denomination?
3. Have you been baptized?
4. Have you taken communion?

Membership Information

1. Are you interested in becoming a member of this church?
2. Have you been a member of another church before?
3. If yes, please specify the name and location of the previous church

Volunteer Information

1. Are you interested in volunteering at the church?
2. If yes, please list any areas of interest or skills that you would like to share

Church Registration Form Template Builder

LimeSurvey's Church Registration Form builder allows you to easily gather personal, membership and volunteer information from potential church members, helping you to better understand their religious background, skills and interests.

  • 800+ Free survey templates
  • 28+ different question types
  • 80+ languages
  • Quick translations
  • Multilingual surveys
  • On-brand experience and individualisation
  • Unlimited surveys & questions
  • Advanced survey features

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