
Industry Benchmark Survey template

The industry benchmarking survey template encompasses sections like company information, performance metrics, and business practices, offering a comprehensive framework for performance assessment.

By gathering this data, it enables companies to compare and analyze their performance vis-a-vis their industry counterparts, aiding in strategic decision-making.

Industry benchmark survey

Example questions

Company Information

Company Performance Metrics

1. What was your company's total revenue for the last fiscal year?
2. What was your company's net profit margin for the last fiscal year?
3. What was your company's annual growth rate for the last fiscal year?
4. What percentage of your company's revenue is generated from new customers?

Business Practices and Strategies

1. What marketing channels does your company primarily use to acquire new customers?

(Please select all that apply)

2. What is your company's primary focus for improving performance?

(Please select one)

3. How often does your company conduct internal performance reviews or audits?

Industry Benchmark Survey Template Builder

LimeSurvey's industry benchmark survey template builder allows users to create customizable surveys to collect industry-specific data and compare their company's performance metrics and business practices against industry benchmarks.

  • 800+ Free survey templates
  • 28+ different question types
  • 80+ languages
  • Quick translations
  • Multilingual surveys
  • On-brand experience and individualisation
  • Unlimited surveys & questions
  • Advanced survey features

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